Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ahhhh POOP

Sorry Wizzy this blog really is about poop.

So William has always been a good pooper! Even so much that half the time he pushes so hard that itgoes straight up his back and soaks his clothes, and barely dirties his diaper. I'm not even joking when I say this probably happens about once a day.

Well I recently started him on rice cereal and since then he completely stopped pooping. I got a little worried around a week. I massaged his belly and gave him a bath and hoped something would happen! My mother in law suggested I use vaseline and a rectal themometer. I really didn't want to do it, so I was giving William one more night. I woke up to feed him before work and he just pooped everywhere! Lots and Lots of POOP! His poop was different than it used to be, it was thicker, but he seemed a lot happier, and his belly shrank back down!

Anyway I thought maybe the cereal had just made him constipated. Well it happened again! It was getting closer to the week mark. I had maybe fed him rice cereal 1 or twice that week. Again I massaged his belly and gave him a bath. Oh in the morning we also mixed prune juice and 1.5 ounces. The latest doctor appointment said that he can start having juice. (whatever this will be the one time he gets it for now.) The prune juice did nothing. So I waited and woke him up at 11pm. Scott was mad because I fed him, and then massaged his belly more, and it was waking him up. But he then pooped a lot again! He even pooped on my hand as I was trying to switch out diapers.

Luckily though, He pooped today twice already! (it's been like 2 days since the previous poop) He even had a blow out and got his back and car seat while Scott was visiting me at Pizza Ranch. Haha :) Thanks Grandma Janie for changing that mess!

So William is still breastfed and given rice cereal every few days. He's not a huge fan of the rice cereal, but he doesn't hate it! Anyway to you Mom's out there...any advice or knowledge what may be happening with my poor little guy?

Sorry I know it's a little too much info. But I like reading blogs where the people talk about the crazy stuff, so I know that this stuff happens to everyone, and I like if I encounter the same problem that I can learn from what they did!


  1. rice cereal does really stop babies up. If it is an issue with constipation I was told to put a teaspoon or two of dark corn syrup in Patrick's bottles. Obviously you can't do this when you're breast feeding but when Scott gives him a bottle you could try it or even stir it into his rice cereal. Otherwise ask the Dr. if you can switch from rice to a different type of cereal - some will allow it, but you need permission given the fear of allergies. Patrick really struggled with constipation until he could be on solid foods and have fruits and veggies more regularly. I was told absolutely NO juice at all because they get empty calories from it and don't feed the way they need to. They don't notice the dark corn syrup in their bottles like they notice juice. My pediatrician said juice is not a good idea with a baby so young, but you know how I feel about it :) Anyway, the corn syrup worked wonders. I would assume the rice cereal is a change in diet and you will begin to feed him more of it as time goes on so you may want to try some other options. I have also heard breastfed babies can go a long time without poops, but if it is not his norm than I would think it this may not be normal. Anyway, that's my two cents.

  2. When we started Sawyer on cereal he went from pooping three times a day to once a week. I did end up letting him have juice and it helped- our dr. said no more than four ounces a day and I mix that with water. You could try oatmeal cereal instead but I think that would probably be just as constipating. If he isnt acting like it hurts I wouldnt get too worried about it but if it is hurting I would let him have a little juice or water to help him go.

  3. Hey Alicia, Payton went through a spell where she wouldn't poop for several days in a row either. It was right about when we started her on solids also. However, she didn't seem to be in pain. I got a little nervous but never ended up calling the doctor because eventually, she'd have a major blowout. I've always heard that it's not uncommon for breastfed babies can go 4 or more days without a BM. Now that she's eating 3 solid meals (and i give her water in a sippy too) she's having 2-3 dirty diapers again. The texture of her diapers has changed majorly, they're like pebbles now- i have to watch out not to let anything roll away when i'm changing her! :) I think William is completely normal.

  4. Graham got super constipated when we started him on formula. The doctor said we could do some prune juice if needed. I found baby prune/apple juice and we gave him 1-2 ounces 2-3x a day until he got a little normal again! A lot of the cereals are fortified with iron so that will not be so helpful to his pooping. Now I just feed him watered down baby prunes to help him out occasionally. Hopefully William starts pooping.


Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

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Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!