Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Busy Boy

For Christmas, from Santa, William got a Graco Baby Einstein Discover & Play Activity Center.

The only reason we got it was because at work certain food items have little tags on them that are from Food Service Rewards. I have been collecting them and entering their codes into the computer. Anyway it's actually really awesome, and you get free stuff with your points. It includes shipping also. We also got his Pack N' Play from there, a clock, and a birthday present for Dayzy. I would probably have never spent the $70 on it myself. Anyway to our surprise William LOVES it! The first time we put him in it, we had to lower it to the lowest setting and he teetered in it, from foot to foot, and didn't really know what to do.

Within a week he was a pro. His feet both touch the bottom, he does complete 360's. He plays with all the things on it! It's been a nice life saver to put him in it and quick do laundry or the dishes. (If he's on the floor he rolls too much and gets mad when hes stuck on his belly!)

As you can see there is quite a bit to play with on there! They are all pretty interactive, whether they bend or make noise or move. He loves it all!

If you look at the bottom right hand corner you see a blue, yellow, then red tower of shapes. They are cloth and move a little bit. The bottom blue one has tags on it, not really for playing but probably just saying something about it. I kid you not, I think William plays with those tags the most!

I especially hear him moving everything else a lot, then it'll get quite so I check on him. Sure enough he's focused on those little tags!

In other news the croup and RSV are pretty much cleared up. He still coughs occasionally but nothing like before!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


My poor little man has RSV now. :(
The Doctor told Scott ( I was at work so Scott took him to the dr. ) that William was the happiest little guy she's seen with RSV though.

It just means that he still has a respiratory infection. The same stuff is used to cure it as croup. He will still get his steroids, and the humidifier will help.

Scott didn't want to because Dayzy hated hers, but they offered a nebulizer. I wanted to get one if it helped William. So I picked one up after work and got the albuterol medicine to go in it. William was not fond of the little mask that covers his face. He cried most of the time. But I got a few good stretches with no coughing or fighting the mask. But I've noticed since then that he's been a little shaky after having it. I've heard and read a few things that say it can be a side effect. Don't go to the stuff they say is a little scary.

So I guess I really don't know if I want to give it to him again or not. I'm nervous and would obviously rather be more safe than sorry. As in stop doing it. But I really really want William to get better. What a pain, now is when I wish he could talk and let me know if it's too much for him or if it makes him not feel well.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

I have the worlds greatest husband.

So for Valentine's Day I really wanted a Bagolita.

They are very popular in the Iowa City Area and are spreading. I didn't realize how expensive they were though! Anyway the lady who creates them is from the Iowa City area. The headquarters are in North Liberty (where I work) I have driven by the store many times on deliveries. So I made sure to point it out to Scott many times! Anyway he had a sneaky plan to meet his mom there to pick out a purse for me. Well they went Saturday and it was closed. In all fairness I'm not even sure if this place sells them, or if you have to go to a purse party to get one.

So instead they headed to Gordman's and Scott picked out a purse for me all by himself! He knows I like them to be big with a zippered top. The flashier the better too! This is the Kathy Van Zeeland he came home with:I LOVE IT! Isn't it cute? His mom told me that he picked it out all by himself! He also bought me two pairs of cute earrings. :) Plus he has no clue about name brand anythings...let alone purses! PS this purse online is $110 he paid less than half of that price!

Ladies...I've trained him well :)

Ahhh Croup

So a few days ago William started getting stuffy, and had a low fever. It was 99.0 and he usually runs 97.9. I figured it was a little cold. Then he started getting a nasty cough yesterday. It got worse and continued today.

I wanted Scott to call the on call doctor/nurse to ask if we should bring him in. Well that was such a mess but finally they found an opening and Scott took him in. He has croup. Basically the symptoms above happen before the coughing starts. It's like a bark coughing. William cries when he coughs and it just makes it worse. Poor guy. Anyway he will now take a steroid for 5 days and we also bought a humidifier for the bedroom. Hopefully this takes care of it!

Also update on the poop. A. My son has the smelliest farts ever, he gagged the whole car when it was Scott and the kids :) B. Scott asked at the appointment about the constipation. The nurse told him that babies sometimes go a week or two without pooping because their body is just absorbing everything. So unless it's 3 - 4 weeks, seems painful, or the baby starts to change colors everything is a - OK. C. Thanks for all the comments last post! I like to read what helps!

Ok next question. William is getting too big for his car seat. If and When did you upgrade to the next car seat and what did you get?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

5 months

Yesterday, February 12 my baby turned 5 months!

I totally can't even believe that! He's as cute as ever though!
Ok quick hi-lights on what he's up to now-

We have one of those circle play things that baby sits in the center and they can stand up and move and play with toys 36o degrees. William LOVES his! He smiles the most in it and really enjoys it. He does wear out fast in it though, and after 10mins he's done and starts crying.

He still rolls only to the left, but will do it as much as possible, and still gets mad when he ends up on his belly. But he does tolerate being on his belly longer now.

His last vitamin D appointment he was around 17 and half pounds, so I bet he is now at least 18. He's almost 26 inches long!

He wears size 3 diapers

He wears 6 months pants, and 6 or 6-9 month shirts and full body outfits.

He has yet to wear shoes. He's worn booties a few times, but those don't stay on long.

You know that sound you make when you fake a door creeping open? William does that really loud all hours of the day and NIGHT!

He screams and laughs out loud.

He smiles and flirts with strangers

He goes to bed at around 7 p.m. he wakes to nurse around 11 pm, about 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. He will then not eat again until 10 ish a.m.

He is the most active and smiley in the morning right after waking up

He's still the baby love of my life :)

Ahhhh POOP

Sorry Wizzy this blog really is about poop.

So William has always been a good pooper! Even so much that half the time he pushes so hard that itgoes straight up his back and soaks his clothes, and barely dirties his diaper. I'm not even joking when I say this probably happens about once a day.

Well I recently started him on rice cereal and since then he completely stopped pooping. I got a little worried around a week. I massaged his belly and gave him a bath and hoped something would happen! My mother in law suggested I use vaseline and a rectal themometer. I really didn't want to do it, so I was giving William one more night. I woke up to feed him before work and he just pooped everywhere! Lots and Lots of POOP! His poop was different than it used to be, it was thicker, but he seemed a lot happier, and his belly shrank back down!

Anyway I thought maybe the cereal had just made him constipated. Well it happened again! It was getting closer to the week mark. I had maybe fed him rice cereal 1 or twice that week. Again I massaged his belly and gave him a bath. Oh in the morning we also mixed prune juice and 1.5 ounces. The latest doctor appointment said that he can start having juice. (whatever this will be the one time he gets it for now.) The prune juice did nothing. So I waited and woke him up at 11pm. Scott was mad because I fed him, and then massaged his belly more, and it was waking him up. But he then pooped a lot again! He even pooped on my hand as I was trying to switch out diapers.

Luckily though, He pooped today twice already! (it's been like 2 days since the previous poop) He even had a blow out and got his back and car seat while Scott was visiting me at Pizza Ranch. Haha :) Thanks Grandma Janie for changing that mess!

So William is still breastfed and given rice cereal every few days. He's not a huge fan of the rice cereal, but he doesn't hate it! Anyway to you Mom's out there...any advice or knowledge what may be happening with my poor little guy?

Sorry I know it's a little too much info. But I like reading blogs where the people talk about the crazy stuff, so I know that this stuff happens to everyone, and I like if I encounter the same problem that I can learn from what they did!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010


Ok Here's an update on our lives:

William now rolls over constantly. He hates being on his belly so when he rolls from back to belly, he proceeds to cry. I've been trying over the past few days to upload a video of him rolling, but Blogger is not uploading it!

At his latest Vitamin D study he weighed 17lbs 6 oz and was 25 and 5/8 inches long!

Scott is going to start working at my Pizza Ranch in North Liberty! This way we can leave Mt. Pleasant and move on! We've been hurt and disgusted by the owner there. Anyway this should only be temporary as he heard back from Brueggers Bagels that he will start there in late March or early April!

We are currently looking for a place to live in the Iowa City area! We need a 3 bedroom and frustratingly they are all almost 1000 a month or more (before utilities!!) We've found 2 that were a little less but they are both a little too small for us. So the hunt continues.

Dayzy is reading more and more every day. She'll watch t.v. or play computer games and I'm amazed at the words she knows!

Chayse is doing well and having fun at preschool and learning a lot. I'm afraid he's hit that weird boy stage where they think being rude is funny and farts are the most hilarious thing ever. (I know that it stays with them for awhile!)

Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

My photo
Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!