Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rice Cereal

On Monday William had his 4 month doctor visit. Poor guy got his shots. He did better this time but still cried, and I still made Scott hold him. I nursed him before we left and then he fell asleep in the car. I then headed to work and Scott went to hang out at his Dad's house until Dayzy and Chayse got out of school.

That night William had a slight fever and was a little crabby, but over all good.

Oh my though, we had some crazy weather on the drive home. Seriously like the worst driving conditions Scott or I have ever seen. It was dark, and there were points when the wind was blowing the snow so bad that we had to pull over, because it was a complete white out (in the dark!) Then we came upon big flakes of snow also blowing like crazy. We saw many cars in the ditch, and even quite a few semis jack-knifed. It was crazy, but we made it home safe.

Ok so at the appointment I asked if I could start William on rice cereal. The doctor was weird about it and said I don't need to and kinda leaned away from it, but then I asked again to just clarify and he's like oh yeah you can a lot of parents do at 4 months. So whatever I fed him some tonight.

I mixed it super watery with breast milk. I waited for William to wake up from a nap and gave it to him. He wasn't very interested and pretended to choke on it! It's new so I'll try a few nights a week until he gets used to getting food from a spoon.

He also wasn't super interested because he took a big poop in the middle. So when he's working on a poop he's a bad eater weather it be bottle or breast, so spoon wouldn't be any different. He still is not feeling well from his shots also.

Yeah you can see how he leaned his head back and wasn't into it.

On the good side though awhile ago we bought a swing for William. He hated it! But yesterday and today we put him in it and he's actually enjoyed it, and he falls asleep in it! Woohoo!


  1. Awww, Payton was the same way with her cereal at first. William has a very strong neck though! I had to feed her in her bouncer seat at first because she was so wobbly. I felt like such a bad mom because she would pretend to gag on the cereal. It took a few weeks but she finally got the hang of it. There's no hurry - but it's fun to introduce slowly at his age! :)


Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

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Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!