Yesterday William turned 4 months!
So when I was pregnant and when William was first born everybody said time will fly by. I secretly didn't believe them. But holy moly has it ever!
Here's some highlights:
At our latest Vitamin D appointment he weiged 16 lbs 9 oz. (Doubled his birth weight of 8lbs 4 oz!) He was 24.75 in.
He has rolled over from belly to back once for me.
When placed on his back he often rolls to his side and then is content to stay there.
He is a droolin like a mad man. I don't think I feel teeth, but he whimpers in pain a lot, and sucks on his hands constantly, and even has rosey cheeks. So I doubt it will be long, or the teeth are starting to set.
I'm very excited on the 25th at his doctor's appointment to ask about staring him on FOOD!
Still completely 100% breast milk (Scott feeds him from a bottle when I'm at work)
Laughs out loud and at Christmas found his voice and squeals in delight a lot!
He wears size 3 diapers. I like pampers, they are the softest. He does have a lot of blow outs...were amazed if we go a day with out one.
He is in 6 mo shirts. Pants I can still get him into 3-6 length wise. Pj's he's in 6-9 months. Socks are at least 6+ months.
He sits up supported. When lying down he tries very hard to lift himself up to sit up, especially while in his car seat, or at a more slanted holding position.
He loves to watch t.v. or to watch his big brother and sister play nearby.
He goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up at least 2 if not 3 times to nurse during the night.
He's still the cutest little guy around :)
Park City Utah
2 years ago
you are so blessed! i love reading your updates about william... he's such a sweetie and it's so interesting to read about his growth and development! keep up the updates, they're fun to read... though it makes me desperately want my own little one worst than i already do!! :S