Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rice Cereal

On Monday William had his 4 month doctor visit. Poor guy got his shots. He did better this time but still cried, and I still made Scott hold him. I nursed him before we left and then he fell asleep in the car. I then headed to work and Scott went to hang out at his Dad's house until Dayzy and Chayse got out of school.

That night William had a slight fever and was a little crabby, but over all good.

Oh my though, we had some crazy weather on the drive home. Seriously like the worst driving conditions Scott or I have ever seen. It was dark, and there were points when the wind was blowing the snow so bad that we had to pull over, because it was a complete white out (in the dark!) Then we came upon big flakes of snow also blowing like crazy. We saw many cars in the ditch, and even quite a few semis jack-knifed. It was crazy, but we made it home safe.

Ok so at the appointment I asked if I could start William on rice cereal. The doctor was weird about it and said I don't need to and kinda leaned away from it, but then I asked again to just clarify and he's like oh yeah you can a lot of parents do at 4 months. So whatever I fed him some tonight.

I mixed it super watery with breast milk. I waited for William to wake up from a nap and gave it to him. He wasn't very interested and pretended to choke on it! It's new so I'll try a few nights a week until he gets used to getting food from a spoon.

He also wasn't super interested because he took a big poop in the middle. So when he's working on a poop he's a bad eater weather it be bottle or breast, so spoon wouldn't be any different. He still is not feeling well from his shots also.

Yeah you can see how he leaned his head back and wasn't into it.

On the good side though awhile ago we bought a swing for William. He hated it! But yesterday and today we put him in it and he's actually enjoyed it, and he falls asleep in it! Woohoo!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bridesmaid dress

So I'm super excited to be in Sean and Dish's wedding (Scott's twin brother.)
It's October 15th in the St. Louis area.
Today I went with Dish to look at bridesmaids dresses. She had picked ones out with her girls in St. Louis and wanted me to see it, or to see if I wanted something else. We're both totally easy going and really don't "care" as in, whatever is cool.

So I want to match the other girls and I love the dresses! ahh! They are Plum which looks beautiful with my hair. And if you don't remember I had a baby 4 months ago, and I gained 75 lovely lbs. Yeah...my baby weighed a little over 8 lbs. Anyway the dress is very flattering even on my big o' belly!

I do plan on trying to lose 50 lbs by the wedding. That's 5 lbs a month for 10 months...totally doable right? I think so! Id be skinnier than I was at my own wedding! Woohoo.

Anyway here's a link to the dress...I think. It looks like the dress I tried on, but I'm not sure if it's the right number. Anyway its really close. Again it's the plum, and I'll either do a Plum belt thing, or Dish had mentioned doing the light Rose one.

And sorry no spoilers on Dish's dress. She can tell you what its like if you know her, or you'll have wait until October to see the pictures!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Splishin' Splashin'

William now takes "big boy" baths.
As in I removed the little hammock thingy and now he gets to sit on a plasticy benchy seat. He LOVES it. Usually when he's crabby or fussy I can give him a bath and he calms down.

So I wanted to take a movie of how excited he gets, and how much he splashes around.

And fair warning my commentary is dumb, but oh well :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

4 Months!

Yesterday William turned 4 months!

So when I was pregnant and when William was first born everybody said time will fly by. I secretly didn't believe them. But holy moly has it ever!

Here's some highlights:

At our latest Vitamin D appointment he weiged 16 lbs 9 oz. (Doubled his birth weight of 8lbs 4 oz!) He was 24.75 in.

He has rolled over from belly to back once for me.

When placed on his back he often rolls to his side and then is content to stay there.

He is a droolin like a mad man. I don't think I feel teeth, but he whimpers in pain a lot, and sucks on his hands constantly, and even has rosey cheeks. So I doubt it will be long, or the teeth are starting to set.

I'm very excited on the 25th at his doctor's appointment to ask about staring him on FOOD!

Still completely 100% breast milk (Scott feeds him from a bottle when I'm at work)

Laughs out loud and at Christmas found his voice and squeals in delight a lot!

He wears size 3 diapers. I like pampers, they are the softest. He does have a lot of blow outs...were amazed if we go a day with out one.

He is in 6 mo shirts. Pants I can still get him into 3-6 length wise. Pj's he's in 6-9 months. Socks are at least 6+ months.

He sits up supported. When lying down he tries very hard to lift himself up to sit up, especially while in his car seat, or at a more slanted holding position.

He loves to watch t.v. or to watch his big brother and sister play nearby.

He goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up at least 2 if not 3 times to nurse during the night.

He's still the cutest little guy around :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How do they know?

How Do they (babies) know...
to poop in the fresh clean diaper you just put on them.

to smile at the sound of your voice, to brighten your day.

to wake up abnormally early, and stay up, on one of mommy's days off when she could have slept in.

to be hungry right when mommy's food is done and nice and hot....(cold food isn't too bad now ;) )

to wake to fed every hour from 1 - 5 a.m., when mommy is finally deep asleep and has to wake up early.

to play fine on their own, until mommy leaves the room, then the crying starts.

to spit up on mommy's freshly changed clean shirt.

they are the world's greatest blessing and can get away with it all.

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Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

My photo
Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!