Scott and I are going to Pella tomorrow to talk with the pastor of my parents church. We want to get William baptized at my childhood church.
Were uncertain of what Scott's role will be because he's not a professing member of a church. He was baptized as a baby though. Anyway usually this would mean that he or the person would make profession of faith and then be able to take full part.
I don't want Scott to have to jump into profession of faith until its on his own terms and something he wants to do.
So pray for us so tomorrow we can find out what our options are, and what role Scott can take part of.
I wish it was simple and the "politics" could be taken away. We want to promise William to God. We want this about William, not about what Scott and I have or haven't done with the church.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
It may be something to talk to Brandon and Wizzy, or even Hilary, but we never baptized Samuel. I think you have to look at your motivations for baptism. Is it to be "culturally accepted", or is it because its something you truly believe. Hilary and I came to the point where we didn't think the infant baptism meant anything more than a dedication, and the way our church sometimes talks about it is as if this baptism "saves" the child, which is not true. You don't become saved until YOU profess your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Our church always said things like "baptized into the family of believers", and that's not what we really believed. It was hard, after being infant baptized myself to get passed that. Now, we didn't have a ceremony or anything, but some churches do, where you can dedicate a child instead. It has the same meaning as what I believe infant baptism to be, but without the awkward wording of salvation. Salvation is a choice an individual has to make, not something you baptize your child into. I don't know if that makes sense. Feel free to call me if you have other questions and want to talk about it.