Monday, October 12, 2009

One Month Old

Today William is already a month old! Time really does fly!

Weight: 11lbs 1 oz.
Length: 21 5/8 in.
Head: 38.2 cm

At birth he was

Weight: 8lb 4 oz
Length:19 1/2 in.
Head: ??

He is now in the 90th percentile for weight and 50th for height.

He now focuses on faces.

Likes to pee when the diaper is off... Latest victim is the wall.

Has a very strong neck and arms. He will push away from your body when holding him, and hold his head up for atleast 5 seconds.

Can be crabby for no reason, which usually passes with time or his pacifier. Or warm arms.

Feeds every 2-3 hours. Usually for 10 to 30 mins. Only breastfed, and for now only from the breast.

Smiles when gassy and its the cutest thing ever!

Does not want to sleep in his crib. Mommy got in the bad habit of having him lay on her, so she could sleep. Now that's the only way he'll stay asleep at night! (Any suggestions how to break this and allow me to get sleep and have him in his crib?)

Wears a 0-3 month or 3 months clothing.

Does well during bath, but hates being cold when out of the water!

Is now in a study on vitamin D deficiency. He is given daily vitamin d drops. He will be checked monthly for growth and occasionaly by a heel stick for vitamin d levels. He'll be in this a year. He has to be breastfed the whole time (no formula), and can not eat food until 4 months. Everytime we go he gets 25 bucks! On heel stick days he gets two small packs of diapers!

We decided to save his money and put it in a savings account for him. He should have atleast $300 by his first birthday!

He's amazing and ever changing! He most definetly has stolen my heart from day one! He is worth the sleepless nights, the poopy diapers and the crying! We love our little man!

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Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

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Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!