Saturday, August 22, 2009


I really should have started this blog earlier to record important things during my pregnancy. I think it would be fun to go back and read everything I was feeling and thinking at the time.

So while I still remember some fun pregnancy stuff I will share it.

Scott and I knew for awhile we didn't want to wait long to get pregnant after we got married. Mainly the fact he has two kids, we didn't want all our kids to be extremely far apart in age. Dayzy will be 6 and half years older than William and Chayse will be almost 5 years older.

Scott and I would have insurance starting December 1, 2008. So we decided we would start trying then. If my due date is correct we should have concieved on December 18th. I hadn't missed a period yet but decided I wanted to take a pregnancy test on January first. Scott said it was too early and we bickered in wal-mart about it. :). I got mad and then got my way. I went home and took the test and it was positive! I was so excited and couldn't stop smiling! Scott was happy too and even made our cat dance in excitement.

My mom was the first to know. I don't remember how long we waited to tell her, but it wasn't long because that's a hard secret to keep!

It should be known that from the beginning I said we were going to have a red haired girl, and Scott said it would be a brown haired boy. We're expecting a boy. :) We'll see who is right about hair color when Will gets here.

We started telling other people we were pregnant earlier than we planned but that's ok. My step grandpa passed away at the end of January, so Scott and I made a trip to Michigan. My family had asked my parents if Scott and I were going to try to have kids soon. Of course we were already pregnant, but my parents kept their mouths shut and said yeah I think so.

Well as newly weds, and as a bride I vowed to not be one of those girls that went on crazy diets before getting married. Needless to say I was slowly gaining weight and I do carry it in my belly. Well as newly weds and me having a belly a family friend asked if I was pregnant at the visitation. I didn't see a need to lie so I said yes. Slowly it had came out that I was. People had said they wanted to ask but didn't want to be rude. I remind you that at this time I was like 6 weeks pregnant. My baby was no bigger than a nailhead. Obviously I wasn't showing! Oh well I got to tell family in person, and it was exciting news to celebrate life after we were mourning the loss of a loved one.

We told Dayzy and Chayse I was pregnant by showing them my first ultrasound picture and asked if they knew what it was. They were very excited and by this time I was 11 weeks pregnant. Soon after I started telling people at work, and Scott's family and my brothers were told.

Those first 3 months were crazy! I swore I never wanted to be pregnant again! I got a little morning sickness, but it was when I rushed out of bed, and it was only bile. But I had nasty nausea. I had plenty of days where I parked myself on the couch right after work and stayed there all night. Thankfuly Scott does a lot around the house, because I had no energy to do anything.

It got better and the second trimester went by fine. My energy level came up, and I felt good. I ate a lot! My mind set was healthy food for the baby, then I ate the junk food I wanted. I probably gained a good 40lbs during those few months.

We chose to find out the sex of our baby to help plan and buy things for. Originally we picked out the name Miles David Pearl. We told people his name also. After awhile I couldn't decide if I was in love with name Miles. David stuck because it is Scott's and his dad's middle name. I really like family names and my dad sent me a family tree to get ideas for a different first name. We chose William. It is my Grandpa's, Dad's, Brother's, and Nephew's middle name and a step uncle's first name. I could have gone with the dutch version Wilhem. :) We like William and think its a strong name. Please though, if my son is fat don't call him Willy, because I will be reminded of the movie Free Willy. You know the killer whale who is in captivity.

I remember finally feeling the baby move. I had the mind set it would happen in the beginning of April by the book standards. It was towards the end on the last day of week 20. It was probably 3 weeks later when he kicked hard enough that Scott finally felt him also. The kids didn't feel him for awhile after that but they loved when they would push on my stomach and Will would kick back.

Everything since then went smooth. We started buying baby stuff and I had to look at baby stuff if the store carried it.

I started month 8 with a burst of energy. In 4 days I had dumped half my apartment. I organized shelves and cupboards, I cleaned everything spootless. Sadly the energy level decreased and its a little messy now, but a lot of useless crap was dumped.
I've written about highblood pressure, but it never bothered me, and didn't seem like an extreme pressing issue until recently.

Now that my pregnancy is almost through I have two complaints, well it could be rolled into one. I am the clumsiest person ever! I spilled a glass of pop on the floor at work the other night. I knocked over kid's cups and lids, I spilled chalk on the floor, I knocked over our gift card stand, and while bussing I dropped chicken bones and silverware everywhere! Its embarassing, and I feel like I'm all thumbs! I also can't go a meal without spilling on my self. I honestly think all my maternity shirts have stains on them. So all you pregos out there, don't buy white maternity tops, they don't stay clean.
As of today I've gained 65lbs. Woops! Luckily in the past three weeks I've gained maybe a pound. I did take the eating for two a little too serious, a little too early. But you live and learn.
The pregnancy has been an expierence. It has gone fast yet slow. I'm nervous for when my son is born. It overwhelms me to think that someone is going to rely on me 100 percent of the time. It means my freedom is gone, and nothing is going to be the same or simple. Yet this also excites me to no end also. To start a completly new chapter in my life. I love being a step mom, and can't wait to be a mom! I know everything that I've expierenced and the fears and tears will all be worth it when William is born.

Here's to my last 2 and half weeks of "freedom." May they go fast, yet slow. May I get all done that I need to, but not go crazy waiting for the big day.

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Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

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Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!