Monday, August 31, 2009

Pasta with a side of Boobs

So today I had an appoinment scheduled to drop off a 24 hour urine and have my blood pressure tested.

They dipped my urine while I was there also. I'm not sure which one they were talking about but my urine today was fine with little overspill of protein. My midwife also said that my previous bloodwork looked really good. My kidneys and liver are doing their jobs. I had packed my hospital bag, and the baby car seat just incase I was told to stay. I honestly half expected it.

But I got to come home. Which is bittersweet. I want to meet William, but I also want him as healthy as possible, and if that means in my belly, well then there he will stay.

The midwife checked my cervix. Which side note, it doesn't sound like they do often, just because its uncomfortable and not entirely necessary if I'm not in labor. Remember midwifes are all about comfort and not making this a medical process. Anyway she asked to check me because if I happen to be far along, or almost ready, they may have sent me to be induced, knowing it wouldn't take much and this maybe/maybe not preeclamsia could be dealt with. Remember delivery is the only cure. But alas I am 1 cm dialated and I think the baby is at -3. Or is it positive 3? Forgive me, I was reading the info as she put it in the computer, she didn't tell me what position the baby was in and I don't remember if the further away is negative or positive. (Feel free to correct me) Anyway my cervix wasn't very ripe either. So no baby today atleast!

That makes Grandma Heersink happy because A. She has asked for time off starting the 10th. B. She bought a brat pendant for her necklace with a September birthstone for William. :)

Back to the baby. They don't want to induce me because it can be a slow process that leads to a C section. I asked how likely it is that I get induced and the midwife said that it depends on my blood pressure (today 130's/70's) and my due date. They do not want me to go much past my due date. At this point I'm thankful to be with a midwife. I have 2 sister in laws that had C sections. One needed to because she has preeclampsia and had a complicated pregnancy her whole time. The other was doing fine, and wanted a very natural birth. But she believes from the beginning her doctor wanted her to have a c section. So she didn't even get the chance to push before they made her have one.

So I'm lucky my midwives are looking out for me, and my baby, now and for the whole process. They want me to have a pleasant expierence, and hopefully we will!

And for now I'm not on the schedule at work, but I may go in and work short shifts if needed. The midwife thinks if I work too much it will elevate the bp. But she also reminded me I do not have to be a couch potato. It feels great to have nothing planned at all! I'm going to make a hooter hider. You know those fabric apron like things that cover your girly top parts when you nurse. And I'm going to finish cleaning and organizing the house!

Before I end this long post, I have to tell a story.

Olive garden has unlimited pasta bowls for 8.95. YUM! So Scott and I went there for lunch today. Well a few tables over there was a mom nursing her daughter. Scott was completely embarassed. Ill be honest it was akward. This momma had no hooter hider. She lifted up her tank top, and had on a nursing bra. We had the side view so I don't know how much was seen. Well the daughter who was atleast 6 months pulled away, and the mom didn't realize it for a few until she jerked fast to cover her exposed nipple. I've talked to Moms about nursing in public. Some are for it some against it. Which is completely fine, I don't know how I feel yet. But I do think if you're going to nurse in public cover the goods! I don't want boobs with my pasta.

PS Anyone know good ways to get this baby out and ripen and dialate my cervix?? And no castor oil please!

I do believe my dad did tell me one way was to have crazy wild sex. :)

Next appoinment is this Thursday! Maybe baby!?? That'll be the end of week 39!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Date Day

Yesterday Scott was supposed to do a golf outting for Make A Wish. In the eastern part of Iowa this week it rained a lot. I think we got 10 inches in a night here in Mt Pleasant. Needless to say the ground is wet and golfing was cancelled. Since Scott and I both had the day off we decided to head to Iowa City to go shopping and quite possibly have our last date night without a baby.

We decided the day of to head to Cedar Rapids to get a membership to Sam's Club. Since Scott's mom lives inbetween Iowa City and Cedar Rapids we called to see what she was doing. She happened to be shopping in CR so we wanted to met up with her. But first, I wanted to get a pedicure. It's hard painting your nails 8 and half months pregnant! Well it so happens Jane was also planning to get a pedi. So Jane and I went to get pedicures while Scott walked JC Penney.

We then went to lunch at Texas Roadhouse. YUM! (Thanks again Jane). She then headed home to mow and Scott and I started shopping. Our main goal was to find a Cubs outfit to take home baby in. Well most places are switching to football gear so we couldn't find any that would fit. But we did buy A LOT of other things.

And we never did get that membership to Sam's. Those of you that have one is it worth it?
We ended the night by driving back to Coralville and eating at Bennigans. Then heading over to watch The Ugly Truth. We thought the movie was hilarious but it is a little crude at times.

It was a good day together!

Today has been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning! I want to be prepared to go to the hospital at anytime, and not have to come home to a mess.

Today I'm doing another lovely 24 hour urine test. Yuck. I have an appointment tomorrow where Ill drop of my urine, do bloodwork, and check my bloodpressure. I don't/ haven't had headaches as bad this week. Hopefully everything is ok. I'm not to worried though. Oh but from yesterday and the cleaning today my feet are swollen! But my hands are not. We'll see if they say anything about my feet tomorrow. I've had them swollen before and they haven't said anything. I'm ready to just go with the flow with all of this. No matter what he'll be here before we know it!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

38 Week Appointment

Today is the last day of week 38! Woohoo!

I got the results from my 24 hour urine test. Apparently I'm 4 away from being bad. But I thought she said my number was 256 for protein in my urine, and 300 is the "bad" number. I really don't know how it's calculated. Anyway it just means that I get to do it all over again! Im at the point where I go to weekly appointments, every Thursday to be exact. Monday I need to turn in my urine again and have my blood pressure checked, and possible do more blood work. My blood pressure this time was 132/80. Not horrible for me. But I guess I gained 5 pounds in the last week. The most concerning things is the headaches I get. They aren't horrible, but it feels like my sinuses dry out before I get one, like I should be getting a bloody nose. Tylenol doesn't really help them go away. They can last all day, but sometimes at work I get busy, and I stop noticing them. I think they are termed "pressure headaches."

The midwives just want to be more safe than sorry. Im flirting really close to the edge of having preeclampsia. This is why I'm having all these tests done. Today my midwife said that most likely if I do not go into labor soon on my own, that I will be induced. She said there is no way they would let me go to week 41. I'm half expecting to be induced next week sometime. Nothing is definite yet though. But baby is still doing well with all of this! He has a good heartbeat, and is very very VERY active!

I'm not too worried or nervous about all of this. I will go with the flow. I know they are watching me to make sure I'm ok, and told me to call if anything happens at all. And good news... I do not have Strep B so no antibiotics when I give birth!

For those of you not aware of preeclampsia, if it gets bad it can cause me to have a stroke or seizures. They are not sure why pregnant women can get it, or how. There has been a lot of research done on it, but nothing in conclusive. The only cure for it is to give birth. Then usually all symptoms and the risk goes away.

But the exciting thing is I could be a mommy by this time next week!

Post Secret

Frank warren from was at the University of Iowa Tuesday night. Scott and I went and really enjoyed it. If you don't know what postsecret is visit the above web address. Sorry its not linked, I can only do so much from my phone.
Any way, people send in their secrets on postcards, to heal and share. They can be about a fear, an event that happened in the past, or even something funny. They cross the whole spectrum. The blog is updated every Sunday. So check back weekly!

Frank shared how this started as an art project, and kind of took off from there. When people kept sending in their secrets from across the USA and other countries.

I like to read them, its a thrilling,almost dirty satisfaction of knowing strangers inmost thoughts. I've related to some, and have been completely appaled (sp?) By others.

Anyway Frank challenged us on our way out to share a secret with the person we came with. Something we've never told anybody about before. Scott knew the one I've talked about sending in. I won't share it though. Sorry. Maybe when you check the his blog you'll find it.

Scott shared one with me that was very touching. Its something he's never told anyone and it made me feel so much closer to him. I honestly didn't know how to react to it, and I hope he wasn't disappointed by my momentery silence and lack of words following.

So to you out there that read this, share with your spouse, boyfriend/ girlfriend, or best friend your secret, or mail it to Frank.

It'll change you. It'll help you grow.

Complete side note: It really bothers me when I read other's blogs and find spelling and grammatical errors. So I apologize if you find them on mine. I try my best, but my blackberry keyboard is little, and I usually blog in bed right before I go to sleep.

Also Hey La Shay! Thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope you enjoy the update!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I really should have started this blog earlier to record important things during my pregnancy. I think it would be fun to go back and read everything I was feeling and thinking at the time.

So while I still remember some fun pregnancy stuff I will share it.

Scott and I knew for awhile we didn't want to wait long to get pregnant after we got married. Mainly the fact he has two kids, we didn't want all our kids to be extremely far apart in age. Dayzy will be 6 and half years older than William and Chayse will be almost 5 years older.

Scott and I would have insurance starting December 1, 2008. So we decided we would start trying then. If my due date is correct we should have concieved on December 18th. I hadn't missed a period yet but decided I wanted to take a pregnancy test on January first. Scott said it was too early and we bickered in wal-mart about it. :). I got mad and then got my way. I went home and took the test and it was positive! I was so excited and couldn't stop smiling! Scott was happy too and even made our cat dance in excitement.

My mom was the first to know. I don't remember how long we waited to tell her, but it wasn't long because that's a hard secret to keep!

It should be known that from the beginning I said we were going to have a red haired girl, and Scott said it would be a brown haired boy. We're expecting a boy. :) We'll see who is right about hair color when Will gets here.

We started telling other people we were pregnant earlier than we planned but that's ok. My step grandpa passed away at the end of January, so Scott and I made a trip to Michigan. My family had asked my parents if Scott and I were going to try to have kids soon. Of course we were already pregnant, but my parents kept their mouths shut and said yeah I think so.

Well as newly weds, and as a bride I vowed to not be one of those girls that went on crazy diets before getting married. Needless to say I was slowly gaining weight and I do carry it in my belly. Well as newly weds and me having a belly a family friend asked if I was pregnant at the visitation. I didn't see a need to lie so I said yes. Slowly it had came out that I was. People had said they wanted to ask but didn't want to be rude. I remind you that at this time I was like 6 weeks pregnant. My baby was no bigger than a nailhead. Obviously I wasn't showing! Oh well I got to tell family in person, and it was exciting news to celebrate life after we were mourning the loss of a loved one.

We told Dayzy and Chayse I was pregnant by showing them my first ultrasound picture and asked if they knew what it was. They were very excited and by this time I was 11 weeks pregnant. Soon after I started telling people at work, and Scott's family and my brothers were told.

Those first 3 months were crazy! I swore I never wanted to be pregnant again! I got a little morning sickness, but it was when I rushed out of bed, and it was only bile. But I had nasty nausea. I had plenty of days where I parked myself on the couch right after work and stayed there all night. Thankfuly Scott does a lot around the house, because I had no energy to do anything.

It got better and the second trimester went by fine. My energy level came up, and I felt good. I ate a lot! My mind set was healthy food for the baby, then I ate the junk food I wanted. I probably gained a good 40lbs during those few months.

We chose to find out the sex of our baby to help plan and buy things for. Originally we picked out the name Miles David Pearl. We told people his name also. After awhile I couldn't decide if I was in love with name Miles. David stuck because it is Scott's and his dad's middle name. I really like family names and my dad sent me a family tree to get ideas for a different first name. We chose William. It is my Grandpa's, Dad's, Brother's, and Nephew's middle name and a step uncle's first name. I could have gone with the dutch version Wilhem. :) We like William and think its a strong name. Please though, if my son is fat don't call him Willy, because I will be reminded of the movie Free Willy. You know the killer whale who is in captivity.

I remember finally feeling the baby move. I had the mind set it would happen in the beginning of April by the book standards. It was towards the end on the last day of week 20. It was probably 3 weeks later when he kicked hard enough that Scott finally felt him also. The kids didn't feel him for awhile after that but they loved when they would push on my stomach and Will would kick back.

Everything since then went smooth. We started buying baby stuff and I had to look at baby stuff if the store carried it.

I started month 8 with a burst of energy. In 4 days I had dumped half my apartment. I organized shelves and cupboards, I cleaned everything spootless. Sadly the energy level decreased and its a little messy now, but a lot of useless crap was dumped.
I've written about highblood pressure, but it never bothered me, and didn't seem like an extreme pressing issue until recently.

Now that my pregnancy is almost through I have two complaints, well it could be rolled into one. I am the clumsiest person ever! I spilled a glass of pop on the floor at work the other night. I knocked over kid's cups and lids, I spilled chalk on the floor, I knocked over our gift card stand, and while bussing I dropped chicken bones and silverware everywhere! Its embarassing, and I feel like I'm all thumbs! I also can't go a meal without spilling on my self. I honestly think all my maternity shirts have stains on them. So all you pregos out there, don't buy white maternity tops, they don't stay clean.
As of today I've gained 65lbs. Woops! Luckily in the past three weeks I've gained maybe a pound. I did take the eating for two a little too serious, a little too early. But you live and learn.
The pregnancy has been an expierence. It has gone fast yet slow. I'm nervous for when my son is born. It overwhelms me to think that someone is going to rely on me 100 percent of the time. It means my freedom is gone, and nothing is going to be the same or simple. Yet this also excites me to no end also. To start a completly new chapter in my life. I love being a step mom, and can't wait to be a mom! I know everything that I've expierenced and the fears and tears will all be worth it when William is born.

Here's to my last 2 and half weeks of "freedom." May they go fast, yet slow. May I get all done that I need to, but not go crazy waiting for the big day.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Week 37 appointment

Yesterday was the last day of week 37! Which by most things I've read I'm full term! Any day now this baby could pop out and he'll be fine!

I had my weekly doctors appointment also. Well technically midwife appointment. I go to a midwife because originally I could get into an appointment with them faster than with a doctor. I'm not with them to go for a normal natural childbirth. Ill most definetly take an epidural please!

Ok back to the appointment. I knew I was going to have labs done because of my borderline highblood pressure. When I got into the room they took my bloodpressure and it was 139/72. A little high. I told my midwife how I get pressure headaches that can be a sign of preeclampsia. She was a little worried. Hence why now I have to do a 24 hour urine test, get blood drawn, and did a Non stress test. I'm doing the urine test sat - sun. The lady who drew my blood was flying through people before me, taking blood like it was nobody's business! She gets to me, and feels my vein, pokes it 5 times! Shoving the needle in and out really hard! And guess what?? She wasn't in a vein! So she goes to my other arm, where from my days as a plasma donor I know has small veins. She looks, doesnt find one so she draws blood from my wrist! So I had a bandage on each arm, and looked like I had been beaten! In the Non Stress Test you're hooked to a monitor that reads the baby's heartbeat, my uterine contractions and my pulse. William did well when he started off increasing his heartbeat. He is supposed to increase his heartbeat by 20 beats for atleast 10 seconds, but then go to normal. He did one right away but then stayed steady. So the lady gave me some sprite and Will took off! He was moving which made the heartbeat go up. Which is what we wanted! Sometimes he moved so much the machine lost his heartbeat. Needless to say I was fine, he was fine and we were let go. They also took my blood pressure on that machine (usually machines make it high for me) and my bloodpressure when we started was 117/72! Pretty sure that's the best I've seen for me! So hopefully everything will be fine. If not and I do have preeclampsia I'll probably be induced to get the baby out. Because usually the body will return to normal after delivery and preeclamsia goes away, as long as it hasn't been turned into eclampsia.

I was worried before this appointments but am relieved now that the NST was fine, so we'll see how the blood work comes back and the urine test!

Onto other news. Yesterday was Dayzy's first day back to school! She had fun, and is glad to be back. Only two of her friends from last year are still in her class. And apparently NO cute boys. So Nick Jonas you still have Dayzy's heart... For now. Chayse kept asking if we missed Dayzy. He really did yesterday. His play buddy is gone and he has over a week until he goes back.

Once I learn how get pictures from my phone to my blog sans computer, I will liven this blog up with pictures.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Scott is home!

Scott is finally home! Luckily it only took 5 and a half this time instead of 7 and a half on the way there! He is re-energized on the Pizza Ranch!
He got home at around 8:30. I for once actually felt like going for a walk so I met him outside and away we went. We walked in a huge circle, but it felt good! My hands did swell up like sausages but suprisingly my feet seemed to de-swell. I realized that around the square in Mount Pleasant there are street lights, but once you go down side streets there aren't any. Hence why we walked in a big circle where the lights were.
It truly is an odd little southern Iowa town.

I promised my self when I started my blog (like 2 days ago :) ) that I would not bitch about work on here. We'll I've now decided since its a public blog, that I won't bitch about co-workers, but our "guests" are fair game!

Ill start with the background first. Our lunch buffet is from 11 until 1:30. At 1:30 we shut off the buffet lights, and stop selling the buffet. Otherwise people would straggle in all day and want it, and it would not be busy enough to keep a fresh well stocked buffet. We have had this policy since we opened over a year ago. Well today as I got off break around 1:35 an older gentlemen came up to me and asked if buffet was over because it looked like it was. I said yes it is, we stop selling buffet at 1:30. I went into the dishroom, and was busy in the kitchen. The old man and his wife and 10 year old granddaughter ordered and sat down. They had asked my cashier for buffet and she said that we had stopped selling it. Well she was watching them. They had only ordered 2 one trip salad bars. How 3 people were to eat that, I don't know. The cashier then told me that one of them had gotten cheese stix which were on the buffet and not part of the salad bar. She came up to me again and said this time they had gotten chicken, and pizza. I had to go up to them and demand that they pay for the food that they had taken when they knew they were not supposed to. Now what makes me more mad than anything is the fact that they told their 10 year old granddaughter to steal food, and taught her it was ok. When I confronted them, the 10 year old was very nervous and ashamed and the grandparents acted like it was nothing! I made them pay for a buffet, and then tool down the buffet, because all the other guests were done with buffet.

I hope that in my actions I'm setting a good example for Dayzy and Chayse and not teaching them to steal or cheat people.

What have people come to these days!?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Pains

Monday funday.

Scott is still in Orange City so I was at home with Dayzy and Chayse. They were very well behaved this morning, and let me sleep in until 10! Oh the wonders of teaching your 6 year old how to work a remote. :)

I think today was a first in the Pearl hosehold. I cooked all 3 meals at home! Breakfast was lovely toaster struddles and a clemitine. By the time we had those ate it was pretty much lunch time. So I made the oh so healthy mac and cheese! (Hey I'm pregnant and it has sounded good for awhile). We also ate pudding I made from a box and fresh peaches. Supper we had chicken tenderloin strips I grilled on the george foreman along with a little salad and white rice. :). It was good! I've been a little sick of eating pizza ranch constantly. But I do love free meals and actually seeing scott if he works or if I do. The kids also liked the food at home, but missed the ice cream we usually get at pizza ranch.

Pregnancy news: I had a little scare today. I've been borderline high blood pressure my whole pregnancy. I chalk it up to something that runs in my family. Anyway it means I get my urine tested everytime and get lectured on what I eat. Anyway at my 36 week appointment my midwife told me that if I expierence extreme bilateral headaches, blurred vision, or sharp pains in my liver area to call right away! Well twice this morning a had sharp pains around where I assume my liver is. Luckily each time it only lasted about 10 seconds. And it hasn't happened again. I may just be a hypochondriac because I know Scott can't be here within minutes. But I did research on preeclampsia and if your bp is above 140/90, your at risk. My top number last time was 150 at first then awhile later it was I think 136. The number can jump around a lot in my appointments.

As I write this William is moving like crazy. He's causing sharp pains in my side. Maybe he's trying to get all the amniotic fluid that tastes like the pistachio pudding I just ate.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Finally my very own blog!

I've finally decided to start my own blog! I don't know how many countless hours I spend on my blackberry viewing other's blogs. So now maybe my rants and raves will entertain those of you out there that read this.

Here's what's currently going on in our life.

Dayzy will be starting FIRST grade on Thursday! The summer has flown by! But she is ready to go back, she's still at the age where she really enjoys school, and misses all her friends like crazy! She can almost read! Shouldn't be much longer and I'm sure we'll have a little book worm on our hands.

Around the 30th Chayse will be going back to headstart/preschool for another year. He too is very excited to see all of his friends again!

I'm 36 (and a half) weeks pregnant! I'm hoping baby William will be born a day early so he will have the birthdate of 09/09/09. Granted I wouldn't mind him earlier. But I know he'll come when he's ready. This pregnancy has actually gone by pleasantly fast, but at the same time I feel like I've been pregnant forever. I'm in the last stages where sleeping is uncomfortable, I have terrible heart burn, and I don't feel like I can get any bigger! I swear the poor little guy has to be smooshed in me. I feel his every move (which I'm thankful for).

I recently had my first baby shower and had so much fun! It was thrown by a lady at work named Peggy. She had hilarious games. We had to eat baby food and guess what flavor it was. We also had melted chocolate in diapers and had to guess what kind of candy it was. People's faces were the best! Anyway many other fun games were played, and I was very overwhelmed by all the amazing gifts I received. William is one lucky little guy!

Scott is doing well. He left today to drive to the big city of Orange City. He is going for Bulls Eye bootcamp. Its a mini training session for the Pizza Ranch. He won't be home until very late Tuesday night. I have the kids until I bring them to their mother Tuesday morning. Hopefully nothing babywise will happen while he's gone!

Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

My photo
Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!