So today I had an appoinment scheduled to drop off a 24 hour urine and have my blood pressure tested.
They dipped my urine while I was there also. I'm not sure which one they were talking about but my urine today was fine with little overspill of protein. My midwife also said that my previous bloodwork looked really good. My kidneys and liver are doing their jobs. I had packed my hospital bag, and the baby car seat just incase I was told to stay. I honestly half expected it.
But I got to come home. Which is bittersweet. I want to meet William, but I also want him as healthy as possible, and if that means in my belly, well then there he will stay.
The midwife checked my cervix. Which side note, it doesn't sound like they do often, just because its uncomfortable and not entirely necessary if I'm not in labor. Remember midwifes are all about comfort and not making this a medical process. Anyway she asked to check me because if I happen to be far along, or almost ready, they may have sent me to be induced, knowing it wouldn't take much and this maybe/maybe not preeclamsia could be dealt with. Remember delivery is the only cure. But alas I am 1 cm dialated and I think the baby is at -3. Or is it positive 3? Forgive me, I was reading the info as she put it in the computer, she didn't tell me what position the baby was in and I don't remember if the further away is negative or positive. (Feel free to correct me) Anyway my cervix wasn't very ripe either. So no baby today atleast!
That makes Grandma Heersink happy because A. She has asked for time off starting the 10th. B. She bought a brat pendant for her necklace with a September birthstone for William. :)
Back to the baby. They don't want to induce me because it can be a slow process that leads to a C section. I asked how likely it is that I get induced and the midwife said that it depends on my blood pressure (today 130's/70's) and my due date. They do not want me to go much past my due date. At this point I'm thankful to be with a midwife. I have 2 sister in laws that had C sections. One needed to because she has preeclampsia and had a complicated pregnancy her whole time. The other was doing fine, and wanted a very natural birth. But she believes from the beginning her doctor wanted her to have a c section. So she didn't even get the chance to push before they made her have one.
So I'm lucky my midwives are looking out for me, and my baby, now and for the whole process. They want me to have a pleasant expierence, and hopefully we will!
And for now I'm not on the schedule at work, but I may go in and work short shifts if needed. The midwife thinks if I work too much it will elevate the bp. But she also reminded me I do not have to be a couch potato. It feels great to have nothing planned at all! I'm going to make a hooter hider. You know those fabric apron like things that cover your girly top parts when you nurse. And I'm going to finish cleaning and organizing the house!
Before I end this long post, I have to tell a story.
Olive garden has unlimited pasta bowls for 8.95. YUM! So Scott and I went there for lunch today. Well a few tables over there was a mom nursing her daughter. Scott was completely embarassed. Ill be honest it was akward. This momma had no hooter hider. She lifted up her tank top, and had on a nursing bra. We had the side view so I don't know how much was seen. Well the daughter who was atleast 6 months pulled away, and the mom didn't realize it for a few until she jerked fast to cover her exposed nipple. I've talked to Moms about nursing in public. Some are for it some against it. Which is completely fine, I don't know how I feel yet. But I do think if you're going to nurse in public cover the goods! I don't want boobs with my pasta.
PS Anyone know good ways to get this baby out and ripen and dialate my cervix?? And no castor oil please!
I do believe my dad did tell me one way was to have crazy wild sex. :)
Next appoinment is this Thursday! Maybe baby!?? That'll be the end of week 39!
Park City Utah
2 years ago