He's officially been out of the womb longer than he was in!
William turned 9 months on June 12th!
We've had a busy month so far. We went to Utah as my last post states to welcome Henry into the world. Then on a last minute invite William and I went to the Pizza Ranch summer meetings in The Wisconsin Dells. My parents were already going to be there to baby sit my nephew Samuel (Jeremy and Hilary's son.) It was a lot of fun, and it was me and my manager Sophia, her brother Mic and her son James who is 5 months. William and James loved each other! William likes to pull hair though, and James didn't care at first, then realized it hurt.
Ok so back to the 9 months. Here are some fun facts:
- Height and Weight will come next week at his Vitamin D appointment. Which means after this next one, as far as they are concerned I could start William on Formula if I chose. I plan to keep breastfeeding to at least a year old. He will have one more appointment after this, in September!
- Still no teeth
-Wears a 6-9 months or 9 months
-Has a big head and certain shirts won't fit over his
- Wears a size 3 diaper, but Target brand runs small so he should be in their 4's
-Is so close to crawling! He has army crawled a few times, but still prefers rolling
-Tries to lift himself up on the couch, but only gets to his knees
-Has gone from laying down to sitting up on his own a few times
-Dada is heard a million times a day, more in sound than actually to Scott
-Loves to self feed, which is awesome with baby snacks, not with random cruddies from the floor
-Still nurses multiple times a day
-Doesn't sleep through the night yet, but usually only wakes 2 times and goes right back to sleep
-Likes to yell back when he hears other kids yelling, or laughs when someone else does
-Likes to "sing" along with radio in the car
-Is busy trying to pull cords and touch things (like the cable receiver) he's not supposed to
-Loves the lake and splashing in the water, in either some one's arms or his new floaty.
-Tries to drink the lake water by lapping it up like a dog
-Has the worlds cutest smile :)
-Cries when people leave the room even if it's into the kitchen that is connected
-Throws fits when something is taken away from him...a toy, cell phone, or remote
He quite certainly has a little personality of his own now. It's been amazing watching him grown and learn new things constantly. Overall he's an awesome little man!