Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When it rains...it POURS

Seriously our household has had an awesome past few days! Truly our prayers were answered!

I was getting worried about finances as our savings is slowly depleting:

We unexpectedly got a check in the mail with most of our rent deposit from Mt. Pleasant!

I got a raise at work!

Scott officially got sent a letter offering him the job at Brueggers for what we wanted...hourly not salary, so options for even more money! Plus Bonuses!

God provides!

William had a Vitamin D for 7 months
- Height 26 5/8 inches
-Weight 18lbs 15 oz

So since last time he's gained 8 ounces and grown a 1/4 an inch. He's nursing or drinking less during the day, but eats a lot at night! Now he's more and more mobile and sideway scoots across the floor and rolls everywhere! That takes energy right? Plus he's blownout every morning for the past few days ..:) Scott gets those joys!

Today I was getting ready for work and couldn't find my work jeans. I frantically started looking in my bin of old clothes...as in pre pregnancy clothes, for another pair. I found a pair and tried them on...still too tight, then I found a pair that fit! WOOHOO! I'm down 65 pounds from the day I was induced...so obviously that's including baby and water and blood etc. Just 10 more pounds to go and some flab to tighten up and I'll be back to my old self!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Nights

We always have the kids (Dayzy and Chayse) on Friday nights, and usually Scott works. So it leaves me to entertain the kids! We had fun messing around with the camera! The weather was rainy, so after eating, and playing with the camera we finished the night with Up which Chayse and William fell asleep during!
Dayzy with my garder
I love sad baby pictures :)

Chayse's mouth, a self taken picture

Chayse, William, and I

Trying to get me, Dayzy, and William, but Chayse was focused on a sad baby picture.
William and me at the computer...Look I'm even on Blogger!

Just realized it looks like I'm flipping the camera off..I swear I'm not! Doesn't William look cute? He wouldn't let me put him down.

Dayzy pretending to be pregnant. Isn't her face precious? Her Mom is pregnant now, so for the last year plus, she's had a mom or step mom pregnant.

What was actually under that prego belly pic. Notice it from William's Halloween costume and his Easter pictures!

Chayse getting in on the prego fun!

My 3 kiddos takin' a silly picture!

My baby cakes playin in his circle of fun! This was right after a major poop blow out, where I had to give him a quick bath in the sink. I got my self covered in poo, him, and the sink!
I love Friday nights!

In other news thank you all for the prayers for Scott and finding a new job! We just found out that he will start working at Brueggers on May 10, and they are writing the draft for an offer! Verbally it was agreed on from the beginning that Scott would make what he did in Mt. Pleasant!

Easter...almost a month late...

The kids and I decorated Easter eggs on Good Friday. It was a lot of fun, William was being good in the living room, and I was in the kitchen with the kids. Our new place has a counter with I guess bar seating, that opens up right to the living room. It was perfect!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lucky 7...already?

On the 12th William turned the big 7 months!

I don't have any stats because his next vitamin D appointment is at the end of the month and he doesn't have another doctor's visit until 9 months.

But he does roll like a mad man. He has figured out how to position his body and roll to get into whatever he sees. Lately he likes any cords he can get his sweet little chubby fingers on.

He still breastfeeds/ drinks only breast milk. He also is still on baby food veggies and fruits.

He is in size 3 diapers.

He wears a Large or 6-9 month or 9 month shirts. I bought him baby shorts in a 6-9 month size that fit him very well!

He is one sweaty baby. The AC in our car needs to be recharged and so it doesn't work at full power. In a 10 min car ride he'll be completely sweaty and have sweat soaked hair! I on the other hand will feel very comfortable. We even have a car that has a vent in the back part of the middle console so the backseat def. gets some air.

He is using his voice more and more and likes to scream and make little short sounds.

He laughs in a high pitched laugh, and now also more in a belly laugh...its the cutest thing ever!

No teeth yet! He's been drooling like a mad man since 3 months, but recently he seems to have stopped drooling as much. But he does like to use his spit to make spit bubbles and blow raspberries.

He loves to pull mommy's hair and Dayzy's hair, and touch and pinch anything he can get his hands on.

He flirts with anyone and everyone who will pay him any kind of attention.

In other news Scott interviewed last week in store at Bruegger's. Both the area and district managers were there. Now they are just waiting on results from a Background check and Financial check. They were hoping to get the results and make an offer by the end of the week as long as all goes well. So we're praying to hear something soon!

On the drive home from work tonight Scott told me to quick run outside and we totally saw a meteor in the sky! It was super bright and exciting!

Chayse has kindergarten round up tomorrow! Almost every day he asks when he will go to Dayzy's school and start kindergarten. He doesn't want to wait the whole summer and is ready to go now!

Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

My photo
Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!