Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So William weighed in at 18lbs 7 oz and was 26 3/8 inches long! His weight is in the 80th percentile and his height is like 50 percentile. At least he now does not need to get shots for another 6 months!

The doctor said he was such a good baby, and wished all babies were as good as him. When he went to look in his ears William didn't squirm or scream, when the doctor went to look in his mouth William opened it on his own for him. It was great! We really like this doctor. He's the one that circumcised William and he's seen him a few times when he was still teeny tiny. We even stumped him! He asked if we had any questions and so I asked when do babies grow knee caps, since they aren't born with them. He didn't know, and neither did the other doctor working! Ha!

We also asked about getting teeth, because William still has none. He said it's 2 by 6 and 6 by 2. This means that usually babies have 2 teeth by 6 months...and 6 teeth by 2 years. But it's completely normal for babies to start teething any time from 6 - 12 months. Plus I was talking to Grandma Janie (Scott's mom) and his sister didn't have teeth until about a year old, and I do believe that teething is hereditary as when they come in. As a nursing mom I'm kinda glad he has no teeth yet, because he sure does like to gum everything and that can hurt!

If you remember William was a monster for Halloween...
Well doesn't the body of the suit look a little bit like an egg? I think so. So while shopping this past weekend I also picked up a pair of a dollar bunny ears to put on William...and this is what happened...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Photos are Fun for everyone!

William is busy trying baby food! I tried giving him baby turkey. He HATED it! We were at a resturant waiting for our food so I decided to feed him. He was sitting on my lap facing away from me. Scott said his face was priceless. Won't be getting turkey anytime soon.

I'm trying to get in the habit of taking more pictures, so here are a few.
William will always be a Cubs fan...he has no choice, its Scott's favorite team.
The new way William sleeps. This is a picture from our old place but look at the sweet baby butt.
A happy boy in his play thing. He likes to play with his pacifier, brings his fists to his face when he's happy, and likes to try to suck on his fingers and his pacifier!
Trying to suck on both his finger and his pacifier.

Fun after eating green beans!

Who doesn't look good in a green bean mustache?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

6 months already!

So it's been a busy few weeks.

On March 12th William turned 6 months! I cant' even believe it already. While I was pregnant 6 months crept by, and now that he's here it's been nothing but time a flyin'!

A few weeks ago I was reading something baby related and it said that you should allow your baby to be a "tripod" and let them try to sit on their own with out support. Obviously though, I watched him and was there to catch him. Anyway I set him on the floor and lo and behold he sat all by himself for like 15 seconds! I was amazed. He does tend to lean forward a lot while doing this, but sometimes he sits up pretty well too. It must be all those stomach crunches he does when he's lying down, and wants to sit up and waits for someone to prop him up!

I've started him on real baby food. So far he has had applesauce which is probably his least favorite. He's also had bananas, squash, and sweet potatoes. He eats half a container at a sitting. Its hit or miss when we give it to him so he's still nursing the majority of the time. He throws up rice cereal when Scott gives it to him, so I'm going to ask the doctor about it when we go at the end of the month, and maybe switch him out to something other than the rice version.

He laughs a lot, and loud and it's possibly the cutest thing ever! He smiles his big gummy smile a ton now too. Yup gummy...he has no teeth yet, and none are poking through, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't slobber and chew on anything his little fingers can bring to his mouth!

He wears size 3 diapers.

Clothing totally depends. I have 3-6 month pants that fit well, and 6 month pants that are too short, and 9 month pants that also fit well. Who knows. I do think he has a big head though, some shirts and onsies are hard to fit over his noggin'.

He really likes to be sang to and laughs and smiles when you make him dance to the song also.

Lately I think his time clock is all messed up. This daylight savings has had the opposite effect on him. He used to go to bed at 7 now he goes to bed at 6. Which means he's up at like 6 a.m. when I'm trying to sleep! He wakes to feed at least 3 times in the middle of the night, and doesn't eat much during the day with Scott. Oh's less pumping for me to do and hassle with while at work.

I'll post stats after we go to the next doctor appointment. I think at his latest vitamin D he was just under 18lbs and was 25 and 5/8 inches long.

I'll take pics when I find my camera after unloading boxes.

I turned the big 25 on March 13! I worked the morning and came home to back up in Mt. Pleasant. My wonderful parents were there to help pack and even brought me out to supper! The next day a lot of family helped us pack and move to Solon, where we now live and love the 10 min drive to work as opposed to an hour drive!

Nothing else is new, we just need to finish unpacking and settle in, I'll eventually post pictures, I promise. We're waiting for Scott to start working at Brueggers, and I'm really settling into my job at the North Liberty Pizza Ranch!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Good News!

So Scott pretty much has the job. What I mean by that is, he's met with the area manager quite a few times. This guy LOVES Scott. He's offered to pay Scott more than a general manager usually makes (but what Scott wanted) just to get him in the door. Finally Scott is being recognized for his amazing managerial talents! And they will have space for Scott in 4 - 6 weeks! Ok but he still does have to meet with the regional/district manager. Who Scott isn't worried about meeting, nor is the area manager. Scott will also meet before he officially starts, with the head marketing person for Bruegger's Bagels! Oh and instead of having to go to Minnesota for training, he can train in Cedar Rapids! Which is very nice, so I can continue working and don't have to take a big chunk of time off work!


We move into our new place really soon! March 14th. It's amazing how everything falls into place!
Now we just need to get rid of two black male neutered de-clawed cats! If you want them...Let us know ASAP!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Wednesday at 11 a.m. Scott meets with the area manager from Brueggers Bagels.

Please pray with us that we will find out if they have a job opening for him!

Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

My photo
Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!