Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Big Boy

William had his 2 month doctor visit on Monday. He has been battling a cold and so have I. The doctor didn't seem concerned with his at all. Will did have to get his shots though. I made Scott hold him, everyone says how horrible they are. While we were waiting for the nurses to come in, William even fell asleep in my arms. Scott laid him on the table though and they both attacked him at once. Poor little guy. He screamed! Then he was crying and got so mad that he didn't breath or make a sound for 10 seconds! It broke my heart. After we got him calmed down we put him in his car seat and left. He was ok the rest of the afternoon. He slept the whole time and didn't really wake to feed at all either.

By the time we got home he was really fussy and had a fever. We gave him Motrin and just held him and comforted him as much as possible. At night he didn't sleep very well if he wasn't in my arms. Which meant he slept with me, because I had to work this morning, and wanted slept for myself, and I am too fighting a cold. But he did wake to nurse a lot, so he made up for not eating a lot earlier in the day.

Today he seems ok, Scott had him this morning/ afternoon and I just got him at 4. He doesn't feel as if he has a fever, and he is able to be put down in his vibrating chair thing. He still does have a cold though, little coughs and sneezes with lots of boogies!

His weight at this appointment was 13 and half pounds ( I hate how not exact they measure him from metric.) They never told us his height either. Anyway for height and head he is in the 50th percentile. For weight he is something like 87%. The doctor said everything looked good, and was amazed at his strong neck muscles!

Sorry I don't have a picture, I haven't been taking many...and I need to!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Update Time

It's been a bit, I've been lazy and busy and our world here has been turned upside down!

On the 12th William turned 2 months! My little man is growing up so fast.

He feeds every 2 hours for 10 mins, with a stretch sometime during the day with out eating for probably 3-4 hours.

He is still only breastfed. I can't imagine having to get up and fix bottles for him..yuck.

He wears size 2 diapers.

Clothing - 0-3 pants (for length) but some are too tight on his little belly. Shirts are 3-6 or 6 months.

At our Vitamin D study he weighed 13lbs 13 oz! and is 23 inches long.

He will get his shots this coming week.

He loves baths, and is almost too big for the little "hammock" thing that sits in his.

He holds his head up very well!

He laughs a little and smiles A LOT! Especially for mommy.

He is getting used to his swing and actually fell asleep in it the other day.

I am now back to work. I was going slow and working about 3 hour shifts. But I actually pumped at work last night and worked for 5 1/2 hours.

Speaking of work there has been some changes. Were looking at the positive side and realize that God is giving us our push back to Iowa City, where the kids go to school, and Scott's family lives. So as soon as we can find jobs, we'll be heading back that way. We're excited for new opportunities and less driving! No matter what we've learned a lot at the Pizza Ranch and have had a fun ride.

Complete side note, I love for those who blog that there are suggestions for "Labels for this post: e.g. scooters, vacation, fall." Those are 3 things I love! Scooters (Scott's nick name) , Vacation (who doesn't love time off from work and getting away), and fall (hence why I had a fall wedding, it's my favorite season!)

Friday, November 6, 2009

I Love Sleep

I love sleep. Granted I don't get as much as I used to, and some how my body is ok with it. I could easily sleep over 12 hours a day if I was allowed to.
Anyway, its not just me who loves to sleep, so does my family!
Except sometimes, Chayse especially, will be up on non school days at 7 a.m. They have good little internal clocks. It doesn't matter what time they go to bed, Saturday morning they are up long before Scott and I. I think they secretly race to get up early, so they can control the remote and watch cartoons and the t.v. they want to, before we wake :)
Chayse sleeping in the car

William sleeping on daddy

Sleeping during the phase where William didn't like to sleep in his crib, and mommy did anything to get him to sleep, so she could sleep.

William sleeping in his crib awhile back. No he does not have a mullet even though this picture looks like it. This shirt hardly fits him anymore also. He's a growing boy, therefore he needs his sleep.

The cutest picture in the whole world! William and Daddy sleeping on the couch.
This one melts mommy's heart.

New furniture

For the first time in our adult lives we have brand new furniture. Yes, not just "new to us" but straight from the store!

We decided that with our next tax return we would buy a new couch and love seat. We weren't planning on buying it already. But a furniture store in Iowa City was going out of business so we thought we'd quick look before we had to get back to a meeting at work.
The place was majorly going out of business as in 2 weeks left and eager to sell. All the signs on the couches were being slashed lower, and we could even make an offer after that price and see if they would take it! Needless to say we found something we liked, for a price that we both liked, so we went for it! (Thanks Discover Card!)

It's amazing because the decorative pillows actually match nicely with our area rug and blend nicely with the living room curtains.

Here is the couch!

Not a happy model!

The love seat is the same, just smaller. I'll take a picture of the living room when I have everything where I want it. I'm very much a visual person, and poor Scott has already moved stuff around twice. I'm still not sure I like how it is. :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back to work I go

Today was my first day back to work.

It wasn't bad at all. It was nice to be missed. Fellow employees welcomed me back, and even a customer (guest in pizza ranch terms) came up to me and welcomed me back. :)

It helps that Scott is the one at home taking care of William, not some strangers at a day care. If we ever got to the point where we couldn't work opposite shifts, I would probably stay home. But fortunately we can work it out this way that we both work, and William is always with one of us!

We'll see how it goes as my working times increase...today I only worked 3 hours. So I did not have to pump at work, I pumped and fed him before I left, and came home and fed him.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


William 6 weeks

Dayzy, Chayse, William

First off...there are some fun pics. They will be upfront of my parent's church on Sunday when William will be baptized!

So I have gone back and forth on whether or not to buy William a swing. Some babies absolutely love them, while others hate them. I didn't want to waste the money if he was going to hate it.

He is a fussy baby though, at night that is. He has to be rocked, and patted on the butt to calm down. Well rockin/swingin same thing right? We were blessed with quite a few gift cards to Wal-Mart recently so we decided to buy a swing.

We bought this one. It was cheaper than some, and I liked that it was "smaller" or so I thought... I think I was mistaken. But I like that it can change into different things. Such as a swing to an infant seat, to a toddler rocker

Well it seems that little Mr. William HATES it! He cries almost instantly when he gets in it. Sometimes we can get him in it for a whole minute before he throws a fit. He is a spoiled baby, and likes to be held. I'll continue to try to get him comfortable with this, but time will tell.

On a totally different side note, I LOVE yahoo answers. I read them a lot while I was pregnant. I would search for something on google in a question form. It's nice because it's normal people answering, so you get a lot of "advice" from people out there. Obviously you need to take it with a grain of salt. But now I like to go on there, and answer other people's questions, like I'm an expert! Go now, if your bored, and give it a try! Ok some people ask stupid questions that you don't need to waste your time on, but others really are fun! I do believe this is the website.

Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

My photo
Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!