Monday, September 28, 2009

He must be dutch

Today William and I had our doctor appointments.

Again they forgot about me, and then were confused why I was there. Anyway I got my bloodpressure checked it was 112/80! So I don't have to go back until my 6 week post partum visit.

William just had a general check up. Last week he was 8lbs 9 oz. Today he was 9lb 6 oz! He is now also 21 inches long! What a big boy! Those two and his head were all normal and in the 50 - 70 percent ranges.

Anyway a pound in a week is crazy to me. But he has been cluster feeding a lot lately. I don't like these when they are in the middle of the night, or because he doesn't know when to stop, so he spits up. Poor guy. I hate it when he spits up or chokes from getting too much milk. I think I have a fast let down. But I'm still glad I'm making enough milk to satisfy my boy. I mean he is half dutch. Which means he needs all his meals and coffee times and snacks. Ask scott about the dutch eating schedule.

Everyday he is more aware and is awake longer. I love it!

In other news, Dayzy was sick last week at her Mom's. Chayse got sick last night at our house. He complained of his stomach hurting. Scott and I both passed it off as nothing. He always says it hurts when he doesn't want to eat. We went to Pizza Ranch, and kept telling him to eat.

As we were leaving and were by the front counter Chayse let's go and throws up right were people stand to pay. Poor guy got it all on himself. Anyway I went to get a mop bucket and Scott told Chayse to stand in the back. Well he came looking for me, and threw up in the pick up area. So we rushed him to the bathroom.

The wonderful employees cleaned up the mess. I took Will from Scott, because I was gaging, and everything was soon fine.

Chayse was fine today and went to School. I hope nothing gets passed to me, Scott, or William.

Anyway the manager last night was upfront on the phone taking an order when this happened. Today someone called into work to complain about last night that the employees stood around and did nothing. It was taken care of in 2 mins. The manager was on the phone with an order! He can't hang up with them until they were done with their order! What Jerks! They didn't think it was cleaned up fast enough and complained the manager just stayed on the phone.

I now will end this post, I have a hungry, crying, baby!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What's in a Name?

The story behind William David is family.

I originally had picked the name Miles, and told people that's what his name would be. After awhile though I couldn't decide if I still loved that name. Scott said we can change it. I wanted a family name for him.

My dad sent me my family tree. It went back to I think the 1600 or 1700's. I'm dutch so most of the names were dutch. William (Wilhem on the tree most of the time) was a named that Scott and I liked and agreed on. It mostly was our favorite because it was my paternal grandfather's middle name ( he passed before I was born), my dad's middle name, my brothers, and his son's middle name also.

My dad told the story also that William was a relative that helped sponsor my fathers mother, my Grandma De Boer's family to come over from the Netherlands.

William is a name to be proud of.

David is Scott's middle name. It is also Scott's fathers middle name. I wanted William to be named after his daddy!

What we didn't know was that David has a story behind it. Scott's grandma, Roma Pearl was read stories as a little girl by her father. Her favorite was David and Goliath. When her little brother was born she was allowed to pick his name. She choose David. When Roma and her husband Don had their third son, they chose to name him after their brothers. He got the name James David. When Jim and Jane (scott's parents) had their twin sons they were named Scott David and Sean James after their father. Therefore David has been passed down the line! And maybe William will some day pass it along also.

In other news William is two weeks old already! He is changing constantly. He doesn't sleep through the night, but will sleep for 2 to 3 hour shifts and nurse for 20 mins when he does wake up. He sleeps a lot during the day though! He will focus more and look at you now.

He is pretty good at holding his head up for a few seconds. He kicks his legs a lot and can push with them!

His stinky umbilical cord has fallen off.

He smiles when gassy...and it is the cutest thing ever!

He has made two trips to Pella and atleast 3 trips back to Iowa City.

Both William and I have doctor appointments on Monday.
His is just an overall check. Not sure what mine is for. I went last time to get my bloodpressure checked. I was almost forgotten about. Anyway they checked it and I left. A few hours later the scheduler called me to say a nurse said I needed another appoinment.

In other happy news while pregnant I gained 75 lbs. Woops! But in two weeks I've already lost almost 40 lbs! I haven't even been trying yet. But I do need to get this loose skin tightened back up. Yuck. But hopefully it will continue to melt away.

Monday, September 21, 2009

William David Pearl

The birth of my wonderful son goes as follows:

I went in Thursday the 10th ( my due date) for a scheduled appointment. Williams heartbeat was fine, his head had not dropped yet, but my blood pressure was high. I was getting my nasty headaches again and to me I was swollen more than normal. My midwife didn't like my blood pressure and since it was my due date she ordered yet again another 24 hour urine test and I was to bring it in on the 11th. She also wanted to do a NST. I told her he was still moving a lot. I told Scott we'd do the Non Stress Test and be on our way in 20 mins.

Well his heart beat would move from the 130's to the 150's but not fast enough. It didn't fluctuate like they wanted. I got pop to make him move and a radio to place on my belly. The nurse showed my NST to the midwife who then said she wanted to meet with us.

That hadn't happened the last time. She said the baby looked ok, not great but def not bad. She then told me I was being held hostage! We were told to quick grab food, and head up to labor and delivery to be monitored more. Labor and Delivery was extremely busy so we sat in an ultrasound room. Again William's heart rate didn't fluctuate like they wanted. So 2 other midwives said they were going to talk to the doctor and decide my fate.

I was to be induced once a room opened. Luckily Scott and I had brought everything with us! Anyway I was being induced because I had always been borderline pre-eclamptic and they didn't want me to pass over or to become pre-eclamptic. Remember that can cause stroke or seizures. The only cure is to deliver the baby.

We asked to leave the hospital because they didn't have a room and we'd come back, but they said no. So they found us a room to sit in and watch tv in the mother/baby unit. Plus I had to start my 3rd 24 hour urine test!

We were told we'd get a room around 5 or 6. I was to get the next open room. I think we finally got up there around 7:30. By 8 they had the cervidal in me trying to dialate me.

The cervidal lasts for 12 hours so at 8 am they checked me and really no progress was made by the morning of the 11th. So they put another one in.

My parents came that afternoon and we played the waiting game. They debated on wether or not to get a hotel room or go home. The nurses and doctors said to go home, this is a slow process and they'd have plenty of time to come back. But my parents wanted to wait until 8 at night came around to see if the 2nd cervidal worked. I was also going to get a billyball (I don't know what it's called) to inflate in me to get me to three centimeters. Oh by this time my urine test came back and I was spilling protein which means I was official pre eclamptic, I had to have doctors instead of the midwives.

When I was checked I was at 3 all on my own. So they didn't have to use their thing. My parents then decided they'd rather be safe than sorry and got a hotel. I was left to rest.

I was dilating but my cervix wasn't thinning and the baby wasn't dropping.

They put support hoes on my legs, the baby bed was brought in, I was hooked to a blood pressure machine that went off constantly!

They checked me awhile later and I was at 4 cms. The dr debated wether or not to break my water. She decided to wait a little longer and told me to get my epidural whenever. I wasn't having painful contractions. But those exams hurt! So around 1 or 2 I wanted my epidural before I got my water broke.

During my epidural Scott fainted! Not because of it, he just got hot in his mask and bam! Was out! His blood sugar was high and he started throwing up. Poor guy was throwing up and sick until I had William.

Ok so by the time I had the epidural I was feeling good!! I probably looked like a machine though! I wasn't allowed out of bed because I was on a magnesium drip. This helps prevent seizures. That crap is nasty! It made me hot! And later it felt like I had the flu. Anwyay I wasn't allowed out of bed on that. So I got a cathater, I had the baby/ contraction monitors on, pitocin drip, fluids (I also couldn't eat or drink on the magnesium), I had leg massager things to prevent blot clots, and the blood pressure cuff, and lastly the epidural drip. But I did sleep ok.

I think around 4 my water was broke and I slept more. I woke up at 7 and they checked me and I was at 7 cms. I called my parents and told them to eat, and come in. Not too long later I was feeling the contractions! I told some random guy I feel like I had to poop. He said uh ok and left the room. I'm still not sure who he was. The epi was not helping with the pressure!

Scott called my parents back around 8 and told them to hurry up and get to the hospital. They said I was progressing fast.

I believe by the time my parents got to the hospital the doctors were letting me "labor down". Which means to let the contractions bring the baby down. Holy Moly these were intense. Like I said it felt like I had to poop really REALLY bad!

Soon the doctors checked me and I was at 10 cm finally! The baby had a little more to drop. Like from your second knuckle to the tip of your fingernail. The doctors left the room thinking it'd be a bit. I was allowed to push with the contractions while the nurse was in the room. I went through maybe three rounds of pushing and you could see Williams dark hair! (I say doctors because the University is a teaching hospital, so I had normal docs and residents and med students. I believe there were atleast 6 doctors in the room). Anyway Scott felt ill again during this and sat in the corner and my mom held my leg.

The nurse quickly called the doctors back. They later told me there was no way they thought it was me paging them because I was a first time mom. But guess what...I was ready! By this time it was around 9:30 and the docs were ready to have me start pushing!

10 mins later William was born! 9:40 am, 8lbs 4 oz. 19 1/2 inches long!

I didn't scream I just pushed like a bangee! I heard them say it should take me about 2 - 3 hours. I was not going to have that!

Words can't describe finally meeting my little man! He was perfect and handsome and amazing!

As soon as William was out, Scott was up and cut the cord and felt a lot better! Poor guy had sympathy pains.

I was honored to have my mom, dad, and Scott there to witness our miracle!

Ill skip the boring recovery part, and on the following Monday we got to bring William home!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tonight is the night...

Hopefully, tonight is the night I go into labor. If this was a perfect world I would choose tonight, to guarantee a 9/9/09 baby! But alas if it was a perfect world I would have a stork drop my baby off to me, and not have to go through pregnancy. Don't get me wrong its not all bad, and I know its worth it, but dang! God wasn't kidding when he punished Eve with painful childbearing/ birth. I'm sure I've barely expeirenced anything yet, I know the true pain will be labor.

If tonight isn't the night, that's ok too. I'm getting more and more anxious/nervous for delivery. Plus my belly button hasn't popped my bun isn't done. :).

So again today I made Scott walk the mall with me. For lunch I had subway and put pepper jack cheese on my sandwich along with southwestern sauce. I ate the new spicy chipolte chips from sun harvest. I sat on my exercise ball for an hour moving all around trying to swing the baby down. I ate tabasco sauce with mashed potatoes for supper. I went for a good 30 min walk. I took a warm bath. See all that I'm doing William to get you out so we can all meet you! Please hurry up! I just want to hold and cuddle you. I want to see my toes standing up, I want to put my wedding ring back on, I want to wear all my old shoes again, I want to sit/ stand up with ease, I want no more swelling of my feet or my sausage fingers!

In other news my parents came down for Old Threshers. For those of you not familiar its a big ole tractor reunion. Its 5 days ending labor day. There's lots of vendors of worthless crap, little old western shows, a craft show on the square and of course a lot of tractors on display. Also events at the grand stand. Of what I do not know. And every night there's a country band that plays. It was ok. I wouldn't travel from far away to see it, but a lot of people do! But it was fun to hang out with my parents, and to walk around. Tulip time is way better.

Sorry, I still don't have picture loading capabilities. When I was at a computer, I tried to set it up to text my pictures, but silly me I forget my Sprint blackberry doesn't text pictures, I have to email them. That I did not sign up for. Someday though, I will have lots of pictures!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Good News Everyone!

My title should be spoken like DR. Farnswoth from Futurama. Don't know him? Well then you are missing out!

Today I had my end of week 39 appointment! And amazingly everything was awesome. My bloodpressure was something like 122/70 or 80 something! I think that's the lowest yet. My midwife thinks its because I am no longer working. She said in Europe pregnant woman don't work at the end of their pregnancies, and get paid for it! I think Pizza Ranch could take a lesson from the Europeans!

My urine had no protein in it today also and my 2nd 24 hour urine test had 180 something, compared to last time of 280 something!

She didn't check my cervix at all so I don't know how that's doing. But she seemed really optimistic, and it doesn't sound like an induction is going to happen anymore. She told me not to be concerned if I go past my due date. I have another appointment scheduled next Thursday anyway. But since everything is looking good, I think were going to let nature take its course.
(Baby, cover your eyes at that, and hurry up! A lot of people are anxious to meet you!)

That doesn't mean I'm not trying to get this baby out. I swang again tonight, took a mini walk, and a bath. Oh and for lunch I ordered cajun chicken...but it wasn't spicy!

I don't think I've mentioned that this past monday Chayse went back to headstart pre-school! He loves it and is really glad that his best bud Sidney is in his class. Scott said his teacher seems nice also.

I guess at school they did a BMI on the kids. Apparently Chayse is boderline overwieght. EXCUSE ME? Chayse has no fat on him anywhere! He is a skinny boy. He does have a big head though. ;). But seriously there is no belly, no rolls, not anything fat about him. I do believe he is big for his age but don't they take height as one of the factors?

Scott and I shop while the kids are at school. Today we had the appoinment and then took grandma Janie and a friend from work out to lunch. Thursdays are early release days in Iowa City, so we had little time to shop. Which is good for our budget! Anyway the Dollar Tree is a must hit. I bought each kid a Dawn of the Dinosaurs watch. I don't think either of them shut up the whole car ride home about the watches. I love the cheap thrills in life. :)

I also got my very own cheap thrill, a Coupon organizer! I feel so old lady but I wanted one because I keep getting coupons in the mail for baby stuff or to clothing stores. So this way I'll know where they are at. Not sure though if Scott is thrilled by it. I'm a sucker for sales and clearance. I can then justify buying about anything if I can get a good deal on it! :).

Well then soon to be momma needs to head to bed and get as much sleep as possible before baby is here!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's the final countdown!

A week from tomorrow is the supposed big day! Man how time continues to fly! I was afraid the last month would drag on, bit it hasn't. Luckily we've been busy with work, family, and the kids going to school!

I had a dream last night that I had William. But for some reason I don't remember giving birth, or being in the hospital. I saw him in a car seat next to my brother Jeremy. My baby was CUTE! He had dark hair and a lot of it, and it was thick! I asked when he was born and someone showed me a piece of paper that said September 11. Then I woke up. We'll see if my dream predicted anything. ;)

I'm doing all that I can to get this baby out. I'm going on walks, I'm taking baths, I try to eat spicy food, I swang at the park. I don't really care if he's early or not, I just want to help the process.

If he is early and is born September 4th, I may have to give him two middle names. It will be 8 years ago that my maternal grandfather passed away. I would love to add Henry into Williams name in honor of him.

I also hopes he's just one day early and comes on the 9th so he can be my 9-9-09 baby. No one would ever forget his birthday then.

I don't want September 11 because its a negative day. But if he chooses that day, it will always be a positive day for me!

In other news I bought cute flannel to make my hooter hider and so far I have the strap done! Woohoo! The rest shouldn't take long either. I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow. Then maybe Ill figure out how to put pictures on here from my phone!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Junk in the Trunk

What a crazy day. Did I not just say that I was looking forward to do nothing!?

I went with Scott to Iowa City today to drop the kids off at school. Then the plan was to go to Village inn for breakfast and JoAnne's Fabrics to find material to make a hooter hider.

Well we had just dropped Chayse off (thankfully) and were headed to Village Inn, when the excitement began. We drive through downtown Iowa City, where the University is located. Traffic isn't horrible but its there. The cars in front of us were moving slowly and so were we. When all of a sudden BAM! Some stupid college girl who wasn't paying attention nailed us from behind! I screamed and immediately started crying. I was startled and scared for baby. No air bags went off luckily. Scott thinks she was probably going 20 when she hit us. Scott got out to check out the damage. Luckily neither car had anything, not even a scratch! So scott didn't think to get info and they decided to go on, and not report it because it would just cost money. And he wanted to check back on me as soon as possible.

I was still shooken up, but not in any pain, and wondered what to do next. We called labor and delivery and they said I should probably be monitored. Well they monitored me for 4 hours! But baby's heartbeat was really good the whole time! I think part of the reason they kept me there so long was to also make sure this didn't put me into labor and cause contractions. It didn't. But I did have super high bloodpressure right away. I think it was 159/90. By noon it was 117/67. ( I don't remember exact numbers but it dropped a lot and was really good by the time I left).

We finally left the hospital and went to go get food. Scott still wanted his pancakes from village inn so we went there. We never did go to JoAnn's fabrics because Scott needed to get home to work.

I came home and slept two hours! Today wore me out. Baby and me are doing fine, and he's still moving a lot! (Hopefully he's moving towards the light) :p.

But I'm very thankful that no one was hurt and that nothing happened to my car. People joke its a grocery getter. Well my grocery getter must be able to withstand a lot! (Its a 2000 or 2001 Chryslar Concorde). Thank you car for your junk in the trunk!

Scott & Alicia

Scott & Alicia

The Kids

The Kids
Dayzy, William, Chayse

About Me

My photo
Scott and I were married October 18, 2008! Scott has two kids from a previous marriage. Dayzy (B. 5/03) and Chayse (B. 12/04). Together we have a son William (B. 9/09). This blog is an attempt to keep all friends and family updated on the crazy Pearl's life!