The birth of my wonderful son goes as follows:
I went in Thursday the 10th ( my due date) for a scheduled appointment. Williams heartbeat was fine, his head had not dropped yet, but my blood pressure was high. I was getting my nasty headaches again and to me I was swollen more than normal. My midwife didn't like my blood pressure and since it was my due date she ordered yet again another 24 hour urine test and I was to bring it in on the 11th. She also wanted to do a NST. I told her he was still moving a lot. I told Scott we'd do the Non Stress Test and be on our way in 20 mins.
Well his heart beat would move from the 130's to the 150's but not fast enough. It didn't fluctuate like they wanted. I got pop to make him move and a radio to place on my belly. The nurse showed my NST to the midwife who then said she wanted to meet with us.
That hadn't happened the last time. She said the baby looked ok, not great but def not bad. She then told me I was being held hostage! We were told to quick grab food, and head up to labor and delivery to be monitored more. Labor and Delivery was extremely busy so we sat in an ultrasound room. Again William's heart rate didn't fluctuate like they wanted. So 2 other midwives said they were going to talk to the doctor and decide my fate.
I was to be induced once a room opened. Luckily Scott and I had brought everything with us! Anyway I was being induced because I had always been borderline pre-eclamptic and they didn't want me to pass over or to become pre-eclamptic. Remember that can cause stroke or seizures. The only cure is to deliver the baby.
We asked to leave the hospital because they didn't have a room and we'd come back, but they said no. So they found us a room to sit in and watch tv in the mother/baby unit. Plus I had to start my 3rd 24 hour urine test!
We were told we'd get a room around 5 or 6. I was to get the next open room. I think we finally got up there around 7:30. By 8 they had the cervidal in me trying to dialate me.
The cervidal lasts for 12 hours so at 8 am they checked me and really no progress was made by the morning of the 11th. So they put another one in.
My parents came that afternoon and we played the waiting game. They debated on wether or not to get a hotel room or go home. The nurses and doctors said to go home, this is a slow process and they'd have plenty of time to come back. But my parents wanted to wait until 8 at night came around to see if the 2nd cervidal worked. I was also going to get a billyball (I don't know what it's called) to inflate in me to get me to three centimeters. Oh by this time my urine test came back and I was spilling protein which means I was official pre eclamptic, I had to have doctors instead of the midwives.
When I was checked I was at 3 all on my own. So they didn't have to use their thing. My parents then decided they'd rather be safe than sorry and got a hotel. I was left to rest.
I was dilating but my cervix wasn't thinning and the baby wasn't dropping.
They put support hoes on my legs, the baby bed was brought in, I was hooked to a blood pressure machine that went off constantly!
They checked me awhile later and I was at 4 cms. The dr debated wether or not to break my water. She decided to wait a little longer and told me to get my epidural whenever. I wasn't having painful contractions. But those exams hurt! So around 1 or 2 I wanted my epidural before I got my water broke.
During my epidural Scott fainted! Not because of it, he just got hot in his mask and bam! Was out! His blood sugar was high and he started throwing up. Poor guy was throwing up and sick until I had William.
Ok so by the time I had the epidural I was feeling good!! I probably looked like a machine though! I wasn't allowed out of bed because I was on a magnesium drip. This helps prevent seizures. That crap is nasty! It made me hot! And later it felt like I had the flu. Anwyay I wasn't allowed out of bed on that. So I got a cathater, I had the baby/ contraction monitors on, pitocin drip, fluids (I also couldn't eat or drink on the magnesium), I had leg massager things to prevent blot clots, and the blood pressure cuff, and lastly the epidural drip. But I did sleep ok.
I think around 4 my water was broke and I slept more. I woke up at 7 and they checked me and I was at 7 cms. I called my parents and told them to eat, and come in. Not too long later I was feeling the contractions! I told some random guy I feel like I had to poop. He said uh ok and left the room. I'm still not sure who he was. The epi was not helping with the pressure!
Scott called my parents back around 8 and told them to hurry up and get to the hospital. They said I was progressing fast.
I believe by the time my parents got to the hospital the doctors were letting me "labor down". Which means to let the contractions bring the baby down. Holy Moly these were intense. Like I said it felt like I had to poop really REALLY bad!
Soon the doctors checked me and I was at 10 cm finally! The baby had a little more to drop. Like from your second knuckle to the tip of your fingernail. The doctors left the room thinking it'd be a bit. I was allowed to push with the contractions while the nurse was in the room. I went through maybe three rounds of pushing and you could see Williams dark hair! (I say doctors because the University is a teaching hospital, so I had normal docs and residents and med students. I believe there were atleast 6 doctors in the room). Anyway Scott felt ill again during this and sat in the corner and my mom held my leg.
The nurse quickly called the doctors back. They later told me there was no way they thought it was me paging them because I was a first time mom. But guess what...I was ready! By this time it was around 9:30 and the docs were ready to have me start pushing!
10 mins later William was born! 9:40 am, 8lbs 4 oz. 19 1/2 inches long!
I didn't scream I just pushed like a bangee! I heard them say it should take me about 2 - 3 hours. I was not going to have that!
Words can't describe finally meeting my little man! He was perfect and handsome and amazing!
As soon as William was out, Scott was up and cut the cord and felt a lot better! Poor guy had sympathy pains.
I was honored to have my mom, dad, and Scott there to witness our miracle!
Ill skip the boring recovery part, and on the following Monday we got to bring William home!